5 stars

Babysitter for wedding in Bristol


I hired Hollie to look after my 8 month old baby for a 2 day wedding weekend. On first day, I asked Hollie to meet us at hotel and put my baby to bed whilst we were at the rehearsal dinner. My baby liked her immediately and I had no concerns to leave them alone in hotel room. Hollie also kept me updated via text messages and even sent me a picture half way through the evening. I had a really good feeling about Hollie so on the actual wedding day, I decided to let her take my baby to hotel for her bed time. Again no concerns and Hollie sent me regular updates and even offered to FaceTime. They had a great time together and Hollie also offered to bath her and left me with a clean, sleeping and happy baby.

I hadn't realised until the next day but Hollie even left a hand puppet for my baby.

I strongly recommend Hollie and wouldn't hesitate to use her again. I wished she lived near us in London!


  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Setting
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 5 stars Communication