Avatar for Aliesha


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5 stars



Aleisha has looked after my little boy for over a year now and I have not had a bad word to say. My Son loves going to hers everyday to see his friends and do all the lovely activities she puts on. His speech and overall confidence has definitely grown and he's always coming home with things he has made or drawn and new words! Aleisha is friendly, very easy to talk to and flexible if I need to work a little late and I feel very comfortable leaving my boy with her. I often get asked why I haven't put my 3 year old into a nursery and I always say that there is more one to one care with Aleisha and Kamil is never bored or sat in the house more than a few days as they are always at soft play, play groups, the zoo or another fun place. Aleisha sends me pictures daily with what they have been up to and meals and snacks are healthy and varied. I would recommend her to anyone who needed a child minder and so would my little one! :)

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Setting
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 5 stars Food
  • 5 stars Communication