Avatar for Miriam P

Miriam P
Maternity Nurse
London Borough Of Wandsworth

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5 stars

Miriam is amazing!!


Our boy was born at the beginning of the UK lockdown. So we had no real outside help. Miriam set up a weekly call with us (more if we wanted) to talk through any questions or concerns we might have. She helped me understand how to start him on a routine, always listening patiently to us and following our babies needs rather than basing it on generic baby needs. It was invaluable.... it helped us so much and having such a positive and empathetic Miriam on the end of the line was really a lifesaver and meant that our boy was able to learn to settle and fall into a really good sleep pattern early on, giving me more sleep too!

When he was 4 months old we were keen to get him used to the bottle as well as breast as I wanted to make sure he was getting enough milk. I tried hard to get him to take the bottle but he just wouldn’t! Super Miriam came and stayed for 24hrs with us, in that time she taught me so much about his sounds and movements, his sleep and... she got him taking a bottle!

Miriam is brilliant. She helped us so much during a pretty difficult time - the pandemic - we really are grateful for all she did for us and would highly recommend her to all!