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Brenda the nanny
Maternity Nurse

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5 stars

Life changing for the whole family


I am the mother of four gorgeous and very active little ones (6, 4, 2, and 3 months old baby) and I thought by now I would be able to manage with the non-sleeping of the first few months. I had done it before anyway, right? But I was wrong. I was so exhausted with the broken nights that I could not cope with the days and the huge demands of my other little children. I was desperate when I contacted Brenda with a long list of issues I thought she could help with. The number one: could she make our 8 weeks old baby sleep through the night? She explained the importance of getting things right from an early start and the different ways in which she could help. She also gave me the contact of a mother of three she had just started working with so I could check her references, which was very kind, as she already has lots of great references, but I wanted to check how her methods worked with big families.
Brenda came home for a three hours consultation and stayed with us for one night, starting the sleep training with our baby. She set up a strict routine that we implemented from day one and our baby went from waking up 3-5 times to feed in the night to sleeping through the night (11-12 hours!) in just 3 days! But probably the most helpful thing was to have her on the other side of the line to share any difficulty or anxiety during the first weeks of the new routine. She would answer promptly telling me how to tweak the routine on those days when things did not go as plan. Our baby is now 3 months old has been sleeping through the night most nights for the last month. She is such a happy little thing and I feel like I have a life again.
We were reluctant to spend the money on this as, for us, a night nurse is something only rich people have, but looking back, I would do it again and again and again. Everything is easier when you sleep, so we can now cope better with our other kids' needs too. I recommend anyone considering getting help to talk to Brenda on the phone at least, then you can make a call. And if you have already decided to get help, I cannot recommend Brenda highly enough!

Response from Brenda the nanny

Thank you Paula, written word for word just the way it was and how it has changed things for the better. Love to all x