Abbie's Reviews


Below are the parent reviews for Abbie. Back to Abbie's profile

Average Rating: 5 stars (5 from 1 review)

Our son Noah (20 months) has been with Abbie for almost a year now and we could not be happier. We had put a huge amount of effort into finding the right carer and after meeting Abbie we knew we had found exactly who we wanted. The initial settling in period was flexible and allowed our son to become comfortable with his new home away from home which was very reassuring for us as first time parents.

The house is warm and friendly and Noah is always happy and excited to be dropped off. He loves seeing Abbie's two daughters in the morning and as soon as they greet him at the door he flies straight in where they all begin to run around and play. Abbie's daughters are very well mannered and this has had a positive influence on our son, it took us a few days to actually realise that when he started holding his hand out he did not want "cheese", it was infact "please"!

The facilities are great and the way Abbie rotates her toys, books and daily activities ensures the children are constantly engaged and entertained, whilst aiding them in their natural curiosity and development. Noah has always eaten well under Abbie's care as he loves the range of healthy home cooked meals provided, leaving more time in the evenings for us to enjoy as a family together.

Abbie always gives feedback on the days activities and works closey with us to ensure we are comfortable that he is happy and in a warm and safe environment. She offers an excellent routine which I feel is very important and any input we provide is followed as practically as possible to ensure continuity of Noah's routine at home.

Noah is a typical little boy and is a bundle of energy so he really enjoys all the local activities Abbie takes the children on. The library, musical groups and the outdoor trips are great fun for him and it's brilliant when he brings home the treasures he has made during his day.

Abbie has created an amazing childminding environment for our son allowing him to thrive, learn, be active and grow in confidence. There is always a new experience for Noah and we feel he has developed exceptionally well under her care.

We are so happy with Abbie and all the love, support and guidance she has given Noah. We really cannot praise her highly enough and would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone looking for childcare.

As we will be moving to Sweden for work in the next few months Noah's time with Abbie will unfortunately come to an end. We wish Abbie and her family all the best and we are more than happy to leave our contact details with her if anyone wishes to contact us directly.

Thankyou so much Abbie!

  • 5 stars Overall

by Avatar for Parent Parent about Avatar for Abbie Abbie on 23/09/2013

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