Anston Hillcrest Primary School

Hawthorne Avenue, South Anston, Sheffield, S25 5GR

Anston Hillcrest Primary School is a community school school in Sheffield. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 250 pupils and allows entry for children aged 3-11.

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Childminder in Sheffield

Hi! I am a registered childminder based in North Anston. I work alongside my mum Kate who is also an Ofsted registered childminder and her Ofsted outcome has been consistently goo…

5 stars 2
Babysitter in Kiveton Park

Usually responds within 2 hours

Responsive, flexible and very experienced child care within your own home. I am a proud Nana to 9 children the youngest being 14 weeks old. I feel that I am friendly, supportive,…


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