Babysitters in Hampshire

We have 1724 babysitters in Hampshire listed in our online babysitting directory. You can narrow these results down to find the perfect babysitter for you using the options on the search bar above.

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5 stars 4
Babysitter in Alton

Usually responds within 15 minutes

Hi, I’m Naomi, I'm 26 and I live in Alton. I'm looking for Childcare jobs for when I’m not at work, at my job in a care home. I love children and love building relationships.…

Jenny Ph
Jenny Ph
5 stars 8
Babysitter in Horndean

I have a Tuesday,Wednesday, Friday available now for Childcare. Ofsted Registered Network and Accredited Childminder and provide FREE, early years education funding for 2, 3 an…

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These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
5 stars 3
Babysitter in Portsmouth

Usually responds within 15 minutes

**QUALIFIED** hello I am Katie and I am 33 years old, I am fully qualified and have over 16 years of experience in working with children in all ages ranges. I am trustworthy, reli…

5 stars 3
Babysitter in East Hampshire

Usually responds within 12 hours

Hello, my name is Melissa and I am currently a teacher in a local primary school in Hampshire. I am available Friday evenings or during weekends to provide nannying and babysittin…

5 stars 2
Babysitter in Ash

I am a caring and a thoughtful person, organised and good at keeping my environment clean. I recently stopped working full-time, looking after a 3 1/2 year old started when she wa…

5 stars 2
Babysitter in Whitchurch

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I am 34 years old and live in Whitchurch Hampshire. I have lots of experience of baby sitting and working with children. I also have two young children myself.

5 stars 2
Babysitter in Winchester

Usually responds within 2 hours

Hi! I am not working at the moment so open to any enquiries for childcare. I have a Master's degree in Cultural Heritage and a Humanities degree; I speak Spanish, Catalan and…

5 stars 2
Babysitter in Alton

Usually responds within 2 hours

I am a bubbly, passionate and enthusiastic 31 year old who has dedicated their whole life to making a difference in the lives of young children. I am hugely creative, energetic an…

5 stars 2
Babysitter in Fareham

Hi, I’m Lottie I am a self employed ad hoc/emergency nanny and have a passion for education. Outside of nannying I am a mental health first aid trainer and keynote speaker. I lov…

T Marie
T Marie
5 stars 4
Babysitter in Southampton

I am looking for a family that require an Ad- hoc, part-time Nanny, Nanny-Housekeeper, Mother's Help, Household Helper, Nanny Share in the South Hampshire area. Hi, a bit about me…

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