Babysitters in Hatfield

We have 172 babysitters in Hatfield listed in our online babysitting directory. You can narrow these results down to find the perfect babysitter for you using the options on the search bar above.

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5 stars 1
Babysitter in Welwyn Hatfield

Can provide weekday (evening) baby sitting services as well as weekends.

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Babysitter in Hatfield

Provide full-time childcare the child - Create a daily schedule that includes age-appropriate activities, meals, and rest times - Develop and implement a curriculum that promotes…

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Babysitter in Welwyn Hatfield

Usually responds within 15 minutes

I love helping children learn, watching them grow and develop. I am a fun, energetic and playful, who enjoys walks whatever the weather but always knows how to keep children havin…

no reviews
Babysitter in Hatfield

Usually responds within 12 hours

I am happy, fun and energetic. I have always enjoyed working with children and helping them to learn and progress. I have grown up with younger sisters with a 16 year age gap so h…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
no reviews
Babysitter in Hatfield

Usually responds within 4 hours

Hello, my name is Esther, I am a 23-year-old international student at the University of Hertfordshire. I have worked with children since I was a teenager, first as a babysitter, t…

no reviews
Babysitter in Hatfield

My name is Marta I’m 33 years old. I have 2 girls twins they born on may 2019.

Gemma xx
Gemma Xx
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Babysitter in Hatfield

Hi, i'm Gemma, i'm 40 and i live in Hatfield with my sons: Reese who is 19 yrs old and Louie who is 12 years old. My eldest is completing a plumbing course at college and my young…

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Babysitter in Hatfield

My name is Jessica (Jess), I am a 30 year old female. I am a reliable and trust worthy person. I have a bubbly attitude, and am very easy to get along with. I am a hard worker, an…

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Babysitter in Welwyn Hatfield

Hi! I’m Ajiri and i’m 19 years old currently a student at the University of Hertfordshire studying Criminology and Criminal Justice and i’m in my first year :)

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Babysitter in Welwyn Hatfield

I have been working with children for 27 years and enjoying my work

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Babysitter in Welwyn Hatfield

Usually responds within 5 minutes

My name is Deeanna. I live in Welwyn Garden City. Im 36 years old, I am mum myself. I have a level 2 qualification in early years and nearly finished my level 3. I have worked…

no reviews
Babysitter in Welwyn Hatfield

Usually responds within 12 hours

Hi there, I’m Steph…I’ve looked after twenty-three children over the last twelve years as a foster carer as well as bringing up my own daughter. I have worked in schools and in…

nanny 98
Nanny 98
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Babysitter in Welwyn Hatfield

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Dear Sir and Madam , My name is Anusha and I am a experienced nanny I live in Welwyn garden city.I am a mum of 3 boy's. I have 10 years experience working as a full time n…

no reviews
Babysitter in Welwyn Hatfield

Usually responds within 12 hours

Hi! My name is Eisha and I am a very bubbly, energetic and caring person who is motivated dependable and driven. I have years of experience with children in different sectors, th…

no reviews
Babysitter in Welwyn Hatfield

I am a bubbly, chatty, caring person that’s always had a motherly instinct. Childcare is all i have ever wanted to do I knew this from when I was little. I was always playing dol…

no reviews
Babysitter in Welwyn Hatfield

Usually responds within 12 hours

I am a Nanny and love working with children. I am also a Mother of 2 older children.

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