Babysitters in Nottinghamshire

We have 607 babysitters in Nottinghamshire listed in our online babysitting directory. You can narrow these results down to find the perfect babysitter for you using the options on the search bar above.

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5 stars 12
Babysitter in Nottingham

Usually responds within 30 minutes

Hello, my name is Holly, thank you for checking out my profile! I am an experienced childcare provider, and have worked extensively as a nanny and as a babysitter. I have a firs…

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5 stars 1
Babysitter in Jacksdale

Usually responds within 1 hour

Hi! I’m Kerry, I live with my husband, Nathaniel and I am a mummy to two, Noah and Lottie. We also live with our 4 house cats and a few tiny kittens currently, who love children,…

5 stars 12
Babysitter in Newark And Sherwood

Usually responds within 30 minutes

My name is Judy and through my roles as a Nanny and Maternity Nurse, I have over 23 years experience working with children and babies. Nothing gives me more satisfaction than hel…

Linda Ha
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Linda Ha
5 stars 9
Babysitter in Newark And Sherwood

Having lived and worked as a fully qualified, Ofsted registered childminder/nanny in Surrey & London, for the last 30 years I have recently relocated to Oxton Nottinghamshire. I…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
5 stars 4
Babysitter in Nottinghamshire

Usually responds within 3 hours

Hi there, I'm a mature proud mother of 3 lovely children of my own. Two beautiful Grandchildren aged 5 & 2 years. I've been a Private Nanny / Housekeeper for over 15 years now...…

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5 stars 2
Babysitter in Rainworth

Currently no spaces (correct as of 02/04/2024) Hi, I'm Emma and live in Rainworth with my partner & 2 children aged 11 & 7. We also have a lovely small 12 year old dog. I curr…

5 stars 3
Babysitter in Nottingham

I am hands on, fun and responsible person dedicated to my work with children. I understand that children best learn through play and activities built around their interest to expe…

5 stars 3
Babysitter in Nottingham

Usually responds within 30 minutes

I am an ofsted registered childminder with so much passion for kids . I have two of my own and would love to take care of others as if they were my own. My house is a very fr…

5 stars 2
Babysitter in Nottingham

Usually responds within 30 minutes

Hello there! I'm a responsible and caring individual with a passion for providing a safe and nurturing environment for children. I prioritise the well-being of children and strive…

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