Daytime Childminders in Wells

We have 29 Daytime Childminders in Wells listed in our online childminding directory.

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5 stars 10
Childminder in Tunbridge Wells

Fully booked until Jan 2024. My name is Magda, I live in High Brooms next to a beautiful nature reserve "Barnett's Wood' ,local parks and schools. At the moment I only do St.…

Jennie B
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Jennie B
5 stars 1
Childminder in Tunbridge Wells

Usually responds within 2 hours

I am married with three children aged 20, 19 a daughter 14 years old. We live just outside Tunbridge Wells near to Highbrooms station. I have lots of toys for all ages and take…

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Maheen B
Maheen B
no reviews
Childminder in Tunbridge Wells

Usually responds within 1 hour

I am a registered Childminder and live in Tunbridge Wells (St James area), with my husband and three children. One who is a police officer, a daughter at college and a son at seco…

no reviews
Childminder in Tunbridge Wells

My name is Jess, I’m 30 and a registered childminder based in the centre of Hawkhurst. I work with my mum who is my registered assistant. I am a loving and caring person with plen…

no reviews
Childminder in Tunbridge Wells

I am a registered childminder with a 8yr old son and 4yr old daughter. I aim to provide children with a warm and loving home from home environment. I understand how hard it is to…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
no reviews
Childminder in Tunbridge Wells

Usually responds within 12 hours

I find great pleasure helping people and looking after children, each experience is always rewarding. I live with my daughter and my cat. I enjoy going on hikes and walks with my…

no reviews
Childminder in Tunbridge Wells

Hello! I’m Heidi a 20 year old girl living in Tunbridge wells. I’m currently working part time as a barista alongside per suing my passions in music, playing in a band and also wo…

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