Nannies in Totton

We have 3 nannies in Totton listed in our online nanny directory. You can narrow these results down to find the perfect nanny for you using the options on the search bar above.

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Nanny in Totton

Usually responds within 3 days

I am a calm and friendly person, with a grown up family of my own. I live near the New Forest, which is where I spend much of my free time. I love going for long walks, spending t…

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Nanny in Totton

I am 51 years old, fit and healthy. I have worked in childcare for many years. I have been a nanny, nursery nurse and a childminder. I am currently working at a pre school. I am…

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Nanny in Totton

I am offering a variety of services such as nannying, babysitting, mothers help, pregnancy and birth support and home help. I am a midwife by profession. I am Able to nanny or bab…

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