Babysitters in Braintree

We have 104 babysitters in Braintree listed in our online babysitting directory. You can narrow these results down to find the perfect babysitter for you using the options on the search bar above.

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5 stars 2
Babysitter in Braintree

Usually responds within 2 hours

Spaces available now. Please note : I am unable to do pick ups and drop offs, but I will be open from 7 am till 6pm Monday to Thursday. My fees are starting at £6.00 an hour...…

5 stars 9
Babysitter in Braintree

Usually responds within 4 hours

Hello, I am a caring childminder who has lots of experience with babies and children.I have 5 children of my own who are all grown up and left home apart from my 17 year old daugh…

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no reviews
Babysitter in Braintree

Hello, I am Natalie, 36 years of age, married to Lewis with 3 children (17yo daughter, 8yo twin boys). I am open now and have spaces available from September 2024. We have a dog…

5 stars 3
Babysitter in Braintree

Usually responds within 2 hours

**Looking for January 2025 start** Hello, my name is Heidi and I am 24 years old. I have 7 years childcare experience, and hold a level 3 diploma in Early Years Education. I am f…

no reviews
Babysitter in Braintree

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I am an easy going, caring and trustworthy person who enjoys spending time with my friends and family including my 2 little nieces aged 1 and 9 months.

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
no reviews
Babysitter in Braintree

Usually responds within 15 minutes

Hi! I am a qualified primary school teacher who has recently moved to Braintree. I’m looking for weekend/evening babysitting or tutoring jobs. I am currently work in year 4, howev…

no reviews
Babysitter in Braintree

I am an Ofsted Registered Childminder, with an Outstanding grade. I have years of childcare’s experience and am NVQ level 3 qualified. At Helen's Braintree Childcare I can offer a…

no reviews
Babysitter in Braintree

Usually responds within 2 hours

I am married with two daughters aged 20 and 18. We live in a smoke free home (but do have a cockatiel)! five minutes walk from two parks and close to the town centre. I take scho…

no reviews
Babysitter in Braintree

Usually responds within 15 minutes

I am 25 years old and graduated from university in December of 2022 where I studied Criminology and Policing. I am a very kind and caring person who loves to help people. I like t…

no reviews
Babysitter in Braintree

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I work Monday to Friday in Nursery and I am based in their preschool (3-5) room. I love my job and I love to babysit. I have however had much in depth experience with the other r…

no reviews
Babysitter in Braintree

Usually responds within 2 hours

Hi, I'm Aaron and I'd love to offer my services to your family in any way I can. I'm very caring and a positive person with a passion for life. I have recently finished my musical…

no reviews
Babysitter in Braintree

Usually responds within 24 hours

Hi I'm Amber, I currently work at a local nursery 3 days a week and am now offering help on other days, evenings and weekends. I have a 6 year old at school and my 3 year old son.…

no reviews
Babysitter in Braintree

"I am a highly loyal, committed, and passionate individual who genuinely adores children. My dedication to providing exceptional care stems from my sincere love for kids. I priori…

no reviews
Babysitter in Braintree

Usually responds within 24 hours

Starter working at a local special needs school. Willing to help out with kids so parents can have some down time

5 stars 1
Babysitter in Braintree

Hello, I'm Sinéad, a 23-year-old. Originally from Sweden but raised in England, I come from a Catholic Irish family. Despite my upbringing, I now identify as more spiritually incl…

no reviews
Babysitter in Braintree

I’m a 22 year old, nearly finished my paediatric degree which means I’ve had a lot of experience with all ages and also have first aid experience. I’m not planning on starting my…

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