Ofsted Registered Babysitters in Hexham

We have 3 Ofsted Registered Babysitters in Hexham listed in our online babysitting directory.

Please read our Safety Centre for advice on how to stay safe and always check childcare provider documents.

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Babysitter in Hexham

Hi I am a experienced, reliable, friendly nanny. I'm a Mother of four, my youngest is 14, the others are grown up. I love animals, we have a Border Collie mix called Dumbledore…

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Babysitter in Hexham

Hi my name is Charlotte I am 29 years old and have 2 little girls of my own. A 4 year old and a nearly 3 year old. I am currently working 3 full days in an outstanding nursery. La…

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Babysitter in Hexham

My name is Kerry, I live in hexham and have my own car with my own children's car seats in.I am friendly, sociable and I enjoy keeping fit (running and going to the gym in my spar…

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