After School Nanny Jobs in Bromley

We have 88 After School Nanny Jobs in Bromley listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Bromley

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Family of four. Kids aged 11 and 6. three-weekly rotation: week 1: monday-friday: collect 6-year old from school in Bickley and stay with him until 6:30pm week 2: monday-friday:…

Parent in Bromley

Usually responds within 12 hours

Teacher mum so looking for term time only. After school childcare for 2 children. Before school care for 1. Ages 8 and 3.

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Parent in Bromley

Usually responds within 3 days

Parent in Bromley

Usually responds within 2 days

Working parents looking for somewhere our 4 year old daughter can enjoy after school, do any homework and have fun as if she were at home. We value honesty, integrity and kindness…

Parent in Bromley

Family of 4: Mum, dad, daughter age 6 and son age 3.5 Hi all! We are a friendly family looking for either an after school Nanny or childminder to pick up our two children (daughte…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Parent in Bromley

We are lovely family living in Bromley. We are looking for a nanny who would be able to start 19th April 2021. We live in Bromley and both parents are professionals, full time w…

Parent in Bromley

Hey, I live with my partner and 5 year old son. We both work full time, on occasions I work from home. My son is in reception and goes to after school club everyday. We are loo…

London Borough of Bromley
Parent in London Borough Of Bromley

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hi, I am Ellie, and my husband and our 3 year old daughter live in Beckenham, not far from Kent House Station. Our daughter, Billie, will be starting school in September 2024 and…

London Borough of Bromley
Parent in London Borough Of Bromley

Hey, my names Stacey Elliott, I have 2 girls one age 6 who is in school and one age 16 months old. I’m fun and loving with a warm and big personality. Iv looked after elderly, dis…

London Borough of Bromley
Parent in London Borough Of Bromley

Usually responds within 24 hours

8 hours a day, with house keeping. or 4 hours a day, as a nanny with no housework. 15:30 till19:30. Additional hours if you choose to. Flexible days and Salary dependent on sk…

London Borough of Bromley
Parent in London Borough Of Bromley

I am a paediatrician in London and my husband is a barrister. I am currently on maternity leave with our son who is 3 months old. We also have two daughters who are 5 and 3. We li…

London Borough of Bromley
Parent in London Borough Of Bromley

Hi, I’m looking for a registered childminder who can care my 8 year son. I am looking for someone who is available Monday to Friday before and after school.

London Borough of Bromley
Parent in London Borough Of Bromley

Usually responds within 2 days

Thursday nanny required - start 23.05.24 Weekly job on Thursdays, to pick up youngest child from school, take him home and feed him dinner whilst parents and older children spend…

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