Nanny Share Jobs in Stafford

We have 3 Nanny Share Jobs in Stafford listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Stafford

Usually responds within 12 hours

Working parents of three boys (8, 6 and 3) My wife and I are looking for a Nanny to assist with childcare for our 8, 6 and (almost) 3 year old. Current Nanny in place but is leavi…

Parent in Stafford

hello, we are a family of 2 myself and mason who has special needs, age 13 , small for his age but also is palliative. I’m hoping to go back to work as cabin crew so f commitment,…

Parent in Stafford

Usually responds within 24 hours

Hello there I might need a helping hand with my 14yo son who has a condition. I am a single Dad based in Stafford. Thank you for your interest. Alex

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