Part Time Nannies near SL1 7HR

We have 90 Part Time Nannies listed within 5 miles of SL1 7HR.

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3.9 miles
no reviews
Nanny in Slough

Usually responds within 5 minutes

For me my work is in top priority then after my basic needs.

4.8 miles
no reviews
Nanny in High Wycombe

I am offering part-time nannying to one infant or toddler, to enable me to give my full attention.

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4.3 miles
no reviews
Nanny in Maidenhead

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hello! My name is Martha and I am 21 years old. Friends and family describe me as bubbly and caring! I find children fascinating and want to further my experience with children.…

3.7 miles
5 stars 3
Nanny in Maidenhead

Usually responds within 12 hours

Dear Family, At present I don't have any availability. Will adjust my profile when this changes. Children's personal growth, inspired curiosity and happiness enjoy my highest prio…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
4.7 miles
no reviews
Nanny in Maidenhead

I am a mother of 3. Boy age 17, daughters age 5 and 10. I am caring and nurturing and have always had a passion for children.

2.6 miles
no reviews
Nanny in Windsor

I am a mum of 2 with 10+ years in childcare also ranging from schools to full time nanny! I like to get out and about and am a very chatty person

3.4 miles
no reviews
Nanny in Eton Wick

I’m a creative and playful nanny with lots of energy and enthusiasm. Provide meal preparations, homework help, keeps the children's areas neat and tidy and does the children's l…

<1 mile
no reviews
Nanny in Slough

Usually responds within 4 hours

Hi My name is leia, I'm 24 years old. I enjoy being creative and having fun. In my free time I enjoy going out on walks or spending time with my family.

3.5 miles
no reviews
Nanny in South Bucks

Usually responds within 5 minutes

experienced in childcare, offering babysitting and/or regular childcare positions to go alongside my current studies in child psychology.

3.7 miles
no reviews
Nanny in Oakley Green

Usually responds within 12 hours

Hi, I am currently working as an Ofsted registered childminder and have been doing so for 19 years, but I would very much like to make the move over to nannying from September 202…

1.9 miles
no reviews
Nanny in Maidenhead

Usually responds within 5 minutes

A bubbly enthusiastic nanny with a love of arts and crafts and outdoor activities

2.2 miles
no reviews
Nanny in Windsor

Usually responds within 12 hours

Looking for a nanny/ babysitting role. Would also be happy to do any housekeeping, or other help around the house.

3.9 miles
no reviews
Nanny in Slough

Usually responds within 1 hour

I am a very hard-working and dedicated person who loves to work with children. My goal is to make kids and their families happy with my services and I strongly believe that I can…

2.2 miles
no reviews
Nanny in Slough

My name is Satinder Kaur. I have been living in Slough for many years. I am interested in caring for people who are in need. I am friendly and understand individual who always t…

Nevena N.
3.9 miles
Nevena N.
5 stars 3
Nanny in Windsor

Usually responds within 2 days

Hello everybody, Firstly, I would like to say that I am very passionate about this kind of work as for me, it is not really work but a pleasure. Being around kids and having the o…

3.2 miles
no reviews
Nanny in Holyport

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I am a fully qualified primary school teacher with lots of previous nanny experience. I have worked with children from birth-10 years.

Andrea A
4.7 miles
Andrea A
no reviews
Nanny in Windsor

Hello dear parents My name is Andrea i would love to enterprising my career as a professional nanny My goals as a nanny are to take care of your lovers one, help them grow, watc…

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