Exclusive Video Discussion (part 2) with Dr Julian Grenier - Lead Writer of Development Matters - Our members' questions answered ...

14th May 2021

Your questions on Development Matters answered by Dr Julian Grenier

Our previous video presentation with Julian Grenier, lead writer for the Development Matters 2020 guidance, and Sarah Neville, a three-times Ofsted Outstanding rated registered childminder, has been watched by thousands of early years providers and led to our members asking even more questions about the changes.

There are just over 3 months to go until we need to start using the revised educational programmes in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS, 2021) and Julian kindly agreed to a second discussion with us, to answer some of our member questions and hopefully resolve some of your concerns.

We hope you find this video useful and informative.

Watch the exclusive video discussion with Dr Julian Grenier - Lead Writer of Development Matters

Sarah Neville, three-times Ofsted Outstanding rated registered childminder, comments ....

This was a brilliant opportunity to again speak to Julian Grenier and focus on the changes to the EYFS for September and look closely at how Development Matters will help us to implement them in our settings.

These are some of my personal thoughts after speaking to Julian:

• Curriculum is a ‘top level’ view of what you want children to know and experience.

• The changes to the EYFS should not lead to extra documentation or record keeping.

• Continue to put the child at the centre of everything you do.

• Starting points should improve experiences for the children.

• Approaches such as child-led learning should also be complemented by a quality curriculum.

• The Progress Check at 2 should focus on the child, not ‘levels’.

• Partnership with parents is an essential part of our role as early years providers.

• The core books approach to early literacy sounds great for parent partnerships as well as supporting children’s progress and love of books over the years they are with us and I am going to look into more detail to see how I can implement it in my setting.

Links mentioned in the conversation and further information that might be useful

Our previous conversation with Julian Grenier about the changes to the Development Matters guidance


You can download a copy of the Development Matters guidance using the link below. Note: DfE confirm that it is currently (May 2021) being updated.



Julian’s book - Working with the Revised Early Years Foundation Stage: Principles into Practice is free to download at:



Julian’s blog from May 2019 for the Chartered College of Teaching ‘What happened to curriculum in the early years?’



Julian talked about the previously used ‘Curriculum Guidance to the Foundation Stage’ (2000) which is available in the National Archives.


Julian’s new blog (12th May 2021) ‘Preparing for the revised Early Years Foundation Stage: questions and thoughts’



SEND Code of Practice (January 2015) relating to the Progress Check at 2 - see points 5.23 – 5.25


This is then included in the revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS, April 2021) – see points 2.4 – 2.6



The Effective Pre-school, Primary and Secondary Education (EPPSE) report into the enduring legacy of early education (June 2015) ‘How pre-school influences children and young people's attainment and developmental outcomes over time’



The Early Endowment Foundation report (January 2020) ‘Improving mathematics in the early years and key stage 1’



Love my books – the website Julian uses to develop the core books approach in his centre and share information with parents so they can support their child’s love of reading at home



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