Childminders and Outings

1st June 2020

Childminders across England had been left wondering whether or not they could take children outside of their settings and what the specific guidelines were.

We have received exclusive information from a DfE source that provides more information and guidance on going outside of a setting:

Childminders and early years providers may take small groups of children to outdoor public spaces, for example parks, provided that a risk assessment demonstrates that they can stay 2m away from other people at all times.

This should be restricted to small groups and done in line with wider government guidelines on the number of people who can meet in outdoor public places.

Providers should not take larger groups of children to public outdoor spaces at one time.

The point is to keep group sizes up to the number government is allowing more broadly, which is 6 at the moment in England.


We will update our members with further information as and when it happens from the news centre.

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