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Little Tinkers

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5 stars

Parents Review :)


I was looking for childcare for my son, so as you do i started searching the web & came across this site. I was looking at pre-schools first but as no availability looked at the childminder section to see what could be provided, for which i came upon Paula's full with information on everything from personal to childcare I found this very detailed and inviting. So i sent a msg to contact and got a reply straight away :) we then made arrangements so we could all meet and be introduced. I was quite anxious of meeting but when we arrived Paula invited us all in we were then also introduced to her assistant who helps look after the children to, they were both very welcoming and lovely :). The other children they were all playing happily my son soon joined in he seemed happy enough which was a sigh of relief for me . Talking to Paula she explained all the things they do and have available which all looked and sounded great so arranged times/days for him to go. We started off with a morning to settle him in but I needn't of worried because when he came home he was full of beans he had settled in lovely making cookies and being creative he'd had lots of fun he is now to go once a week when needed. I totally recommend Paula shes a very lovely/caring lady and am very pleased for my son to be learning with her :) .