Avatar for Melissa

Private Tutor
Frampton On Severn

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1 stars

Let us down and refuses to share any ID


This tutor let us down a few days before starting
What led up to this was we simply asked for some evidence of her credentials for example proof of name or address or dbs or any references
She refused to give any
Furthermore she would only meet at a service station
Having refused to provide any ID so that we do not even know if her name is Melissa , she cancelled

  • 1 stars Overall
  • 1 stars Communication

Response from Melissa

I have cancelled this job because I did not feel safe around Peter.
I have a job that I can take my dog to, when I responded to his request for help, I suggested that he meet the dog that I would have to leave in the car whilst working.
I said he could meet the dog on the canal path near my village, he went to the pub and suggested we had a drink, I could understand the confusion.
He made jokes about us meeting on valentines day, then looked disappointed when I spoke of my boyfriend.
I may be wrong but I got a bad feeling in Peters presence.
I do not regret my decision to cancel.
I apologise once again for not accepting the job.