Exclusive video interview presentation with Dr Julian Grenier - Lead Writer of Development Matters

Working with the Revised Early Years Foundation Stage
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2020, the new statutory framework to be used from September 2021, introduces a new way of delivering the learning and development requirements for all early years providers in England.
The educational programmes of the EYFS 2020 have been completely revised and, alongside the new educational programmes, the expectations for adult-guided teaching have been strengthened.
To help providers work with the new statutory requirements of the EYFS 2020, the non-statutory Development Matters guidance has also been re-written to contain a suggested curriculum.
The new version of Development Matters 2020 is currently being used by ‘early adopter’ schools and will be rolled out to help all providers from September 2021, to coincide with the introduction of the new statutory framework.
The suggested curriculum in Development Matters 2020 is non-statutory. It aims to reduce practitioner workload, reinforce the importance of communication and language and provide a flexible, sequenced curriculum within 2 age ranges for the early years – 0-3 years and 3-4 years. It is important to note that there are a lot of changes from the current Development Matters 2012 guidance – no overlapping ages and stages, no aspects within the 7 areas of learning and a suggested curriculum that reinforces the importance of quality teaching rather than a list of developmental goals.
Childcare.co.uk are keen for all early years providers to have as much information about the revised Development Matters as possible. For this reason, we approached Dr Julian Grenier, the lead writer of Development Matters 2020 for an interview… and here it is!
Watch the exclusive video interview with Dr Julian Grenier - Lead Writer of Development Matters
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