Statutory Record Keeping Forms for Childminders

Childminder Paperwork > Statutory Record Keeping Forms

The documents in this folder support you to comply with the latest version of the statutory framework in England - the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Childcare Register requirements.

The PDF versions are free for all members and the editable Word versions are available to gold members only.

Accident, Injury and First Aid Form

It is a requirement of the EYFS to record all accidents and injuries to childminded children, including first aid administered. Ofsted give details about when they require informing re accidents and injuries in the Early Years Compliance handbook

Accident, Injury and First Aid Form & Guidance 

Attendance Register 

It is a requirement of the EYFS to record childminded children’s attendance. These easy-to-use registers allow you to quickly note when a child arrives and leaves the premises. The guidance also includes an information sheet about Attendance Registers to share with parents.

Attendance Register Form & Guidance 

Complaints Record Form

It is a requirement of the EYFS and Childcare Registers that complaints are recorded and responded to within 28 days. You must also have a Complaints Policy and Procedures (see Policies and Procedures). These record forms allow you to note all the relevant details which will be shared with Ofsted at your next inspection. 

Complaints Record Form & Guidance  

Concern about a Child Form

It is a requirement of the EYFS to record any concerns you might have about a child. Some Local Authorities provide paperwork to record concerns in safeguarding training – however, others don’t routinely give out documentation. This Concern Record will allow you to quickly note the important points which might need to be shared with the child’s family and / or other agencies in the future.

Concerns about a Child Form 

Daily Routines Planner

It is a requirement of the EYFS to share children’s daily routines with their parents. Routines might include outings, activities, meal times etc and will, by their nature, be flexible. A Weekly Planner is also included – it might be used to display group activities on the noticeboard. It is a useful way of sharing your activities, outings etc with parents.

Daily Routines Planner & Guidance 

Exclusion from Childcare Form

Exclusions from Childcare Form 

Incident Record Form

It is important that parents are informed about their child’s time in the provision – most childminders use a daily diary to share information with parents of non-verbal children. However, in some instances incidents might have happened such as children witnessing an accident on an outing and a parents signature is needed to confirm they have been informed.

Incident Record Form & Guidance 

Medication Administration Forms

It is a requirement of the EYFS to record all medication administration. Providers can give children both prescribed and non-prescribed medication or treatment as long as there is prior written permission from parents in place. These record forms will take you through the information you need to request from parents before they leave their child with you. 

Medication Administration Form & Guidance 

Menu Planner

It is a requirement of the EYFS that you share information with children’s parents about the food you provide for their child. You must also keep a record of the 14 most common allergens to share with parents on request. 

Menu Planner Form & Guidance 

Permissions Forms

Permissions Forms are in the New Parents section

Physical Intervention Form

It is a requirement of the EYFS to record any incidents of ‘physical intervention’. This will include times when you have, for example, grabbed a child to stop them running in the road or held a child to stop them hurting themselves. This Physical Intervention Record forms will take you through the information you are required to record.

Physical Intervention Form & Guidance 

Serious Illness Form

Serious Illness Form & Guidance 

Other useful documents

Complaints Policy in Childminder Policies 

Informing Ofsted about changes guidance in Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 

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