Childminder Guides > Early Years Safety Blog > Beach Safety for Children

Beach Safety for Children

You do not have to go to the beach to have a beach party! You can get out the sand and water, make some sandwiches, put up an umbrella and make your garden into a beach for the day.  However, if you do decide to visit the beach here are some ideas for involving the children when you do your risk assessment.

Pre-visit check: before attending the beach with children, it might be useful to carry out a pre-visit check. Ask the children what types of things you need to consider such as...

  • The location and cleanliness of the toilets.
  • Times of tides.
  • Accessibility for disabled children.
  • Cleanliness of the beach.
  • Safety measures taken by the local council to ensure the beach is safe and clean.

If possible, look online with the children and download or request a risk assessment written for the beach you are visiting.

Write a check list: ask the children to help you make a check list of the things you need to take on the outing. Involve them in writing the list and gathering everything together...

  • Medication – where do the children think it might be stored to keep it safe?
  • Nappies, nappy sacks, wipes – travel potty and bags.
  • Spare clothes.
  • Travel wipes and hand cleaning spray.
  • Food and drink for the day.
  • Charged mobile phone – check mobile signal during pre-visit.
  • Emergency contact details for every child and information about allergies, medication, parental wishes if their child is injured etc. members can download a sample form here –
  • First aid kit – what sort of accidents do the children think might happen on a beach?
  • Drinks, snacks, money etc.


Risk assessment

Before you go: your pre-visit risk assessment might cover, for example –

  • Ratios check.
  • Parents consultations about the visit.
  • Pre-visit check completed.
  • Bag packed.
  • Vehicle checked.
  • Risk assessment completed.


Hazard / risk - control

  • Sun exposure – use shaded areas and sunshade on buggy; children will wear hats and appropriate clothes; use sun cream supplied by parents and reapply regularly; do not cover the buggy with a cloth or blanket which will hold hot air inside.
  • Lost child – the beach is typically a big area with lots of adults and children moving around – remind children about the dangers of talking to strangers; supervise constantly; it is a requirement for childminders to have a written ‘Lost / Missing Child Procedure’. Gold members can download a sample policy here –
  • Jelly fish on beach / stings – follow emergency procedure; recommend parents take child to the doctor. It is recommended that all childminders have a written ‘Emergency Procedure’. members can download a sample policy here -
  • Behaviour issues / children hurting themselves, running off etc – behaviour expectations are explained before and during the outing; children will be reminded about behaviour expectations; use buggy straps and reins as appropriate.
  • Inappropriate clothes or footwear / sunburn – remind parents about clothing expectations before the visit and provide spare clothes if needed.
  • Debris on beach / cuts, trips – first aid will be applied if required; the ‘Emergency procedure’ will be followed for serious injuries; children will wear appropriate footwear and clothing; visual checks of the areas in which children play will be made.
  • Sand thrown / eye damage – children will be asked and reminded not to throw sand; if sand is in an eye it will be irrigated with fresh water immediately; for more serious eye injuries follow Emergency Procedure (above).
  • Sun cream / cross contamination, allergic reaction, not high enough factor or UV protection – use sun lotion supplied by parents and reapply regularly; wash hands in between applications to different children to prevent cross contamination.
  • Toileting - lack of toilet facilities / distress, wet child – check location and cleanliness of toilets during pre-visit; take a travel potty and spare clothes.
  • Animal faeces / toxoplasma and other illnesses – remind children not to touch things lying on the beach; if children do touch dog or other faeces, wipe hands using a baby wipe, apply cleaning spray and wash with soap and water as quickly as possible; advise parent to take their child to the doctor and follow Emergency Procedures if concerned.
  • Slippery rocks / slips, falls – do a risk-benefit assessment and support the children to climb safely; supervise children closely; use first aid kit as trained and call for help if necessary.


Note – you might have other risks which you want to include depending on your outing: this risk assessment is a starting point guide only.


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