Ofsted Pre-Registration Inspection

After you have:

• Read the Ofsted pre-registration briefing document

• Read the Ofsted Early Years and Childcare Registration handbook

• Read the Early Years Foundation Stage to ensure you can comply with the requirements

• Checked ratios and floor space

• Completed the pre-registration childminder training course

• Gained permission from your landlord to childmind from the property (if relevant)

• Completed the Ofsted DBS application and subscribed to the update service (for all people over 16 living or working on the premises) within 19 days of the certificate being printed

• Returned the completed Health Declaration Booklet (medical check) to Ofste

• Provided references who have replied to Ofsted

• Completed paediatric first aid and any Local Authority required safeguarding training

• Completed your paperwork so you can show Ofsted you are ready to start working (provided FREE with your Childcare.co.uk membership)

• Gathered together some appropriate resources

• Considered health and safety in your house and garden eg fences, gates, secure doors, fire blanket in the kitchen etc

• Bought an appropriate first aid kit

• Prepared your house and garden for childminding

You will need to complete an EY2 form on the Ofsted website and pay the Ofsted fee (currently £35 a year*). This will inform Ofsted that you want to register with them as a childminder and they will contact you to make an arrangement to come out to visit you to carry out a pre-registration inspection.

Ofsted will check your house and garden are suitable for childminding. They will look at your paperwork, ask you questions about how you intend to run your business, inspect your resources and equipment and generally check that your new business is ‘ready to go’. If they have any concerns, they will give you a notice to improve and a date by which they want evidence you have completed the improvements.

This Ofsted guide provides information about applying to join the Early Years Register and Childcare Register (published Dec 2015).

Find out more information and advice about the pre-registration process.

*Prices correct in June 2016

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