The Revised EYFS 2020

The DfE have responded to their consultation on the changes to the EYFS educational programmes and early learning goals (ELGs) and have issued a new early adopter version of the EYFS.
The educational programmes are the curriculum that early years providers are required to teach by the EYFS and the ELGs are the end of reception assessments.
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What are the changes?
The 7 areas of learning remain the same but a lot of the aspects have changed and there are changes to the educational programmes to reflect this.
Are there any other changes?
Yes, DfE are adding a requirement to promote children’s oral hygiene into the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the EYFS and they are adding Ofsted’s definition of teaching, currently in the Early Years Inspection handbook (footnote 16, page 33), to the learning and development requirements of the EYFS.
Is this relevant to me?
Some schools will be ‘early adopters’ of the educational programmes and ELGs from September 2020, with all early years providers required to make the changes and use the new educational programmes from September 2021.
Do I have to assess children against the ELGs?
No, changes to the ELGs are not relevant to early years providers - they are for teachers to use at the end of reception class at school.
What do I need to do now?
You need to be aware of the changes. A revised Development Matters guidance document is in production and will give further information about the educational programmes expected to be used by all early years providers from September 2021.
You can find the consultation response including the new educational programmes and the revised ELGs here.
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