Oral Health Resources

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS, 2021) has been updated to include the requirement: ‘The provider must promote the good health, including the oral health, of children attending the setting.’ EYFS 2021 requirement 3.45, statutory from 1st September 2021.

This has led to some confusion over whether early years providers will be expected to brush children’s teeth and how Ofsted will inspect oral health.

NHS England does provide tooth brushing advice, but it is guidance and Ofsted have stated that they will not expect providers to brush teeth or look in children’s mouths.

The expectation will be to support children’s oral health by, for example:

• Reading books about tooth brushing.

• Singing songs and rhymes to encourage tooth brushing awareness.

• Sharing information with parents about local dentists and the importance of good oral health.

• Including healthy teeth role play in children’s activities.

• Promoting healthy eating and drinking in the setting and at home.

Oral Health Resources for Childcare Providers

Here are some resources from Childcare.co.uk to support you to comply with the requirement to promote good oral health. We hope you find them useful.

Oral Health - Introduction

Oral Health - Book Reviews

Oral Health - Colouring Pictures

Oral Health - Dental Health Week

Oral Health - Dummy Poster

Oral Health - Food Choices Game

Oral Health - Fruit and Vegetables

Oral Health - Good Food Choices Poster

Oral Health - Healthy Eating Week

Oral Health - National Smile Month

Oral Health - National Tooth Fairy Day

Oral Health - National Vegetarian Week

Oral Health - Resources

Oral Health - Science Experiments

Oral Health - Self-Care

Oral Health - Songs and Rhymes

Oral Health - Storytelling

Oral Health - Sugar in Children's Food

Oral Health - Time to Book the Dentist

Oral Health - Teeth Brushing Chart and Certificate

Oral Health - Teeth Brushing Permission

Oral Health - Word Mat

Oral Health - Parent Guidance on Food Portions

Oral Health - Parent Guidance on Healthy Mouths

Oral Health - Parent Guidance on Healthy Teeth

Oral Health - Parent Guidance on Packed Lunches

Oral Health - Parent Leaflet on Healthy Eating

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