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5 stars

Our wonderful Rachel


I started my search for a childminder about 5 months before returning to work and happened across Rachel's details here online, we set up a meeting and from that very first encounter I just KNEW she was the one for me, and my only possible choice to look after my daughter when I went back to work. She took the time to answer my (very long list of) questions on all topics and I really felt a kinship, that we view this as a team effort, us the parents and her the childminder working together to ensure the very best start for my daughter.

She is a meticulous, warm hearted and very caring childminder. Her experience and knowledge in all areas of childcare I feel so lucky to have her as a resource to depend on, she is genuinely invested in my daughters wellbeing and we feel she is part of our family now!

Her home (the childcare setting) is a child's treasure trove, completely set up to cater for children developing and learning through so many varied experiences, from numeracy and literacy to arts and crafts to outdoor excursions in nature. I was impressed by her diligence in ensuring I understood all areas of the early years curriculum my child would follow, she is a consummate professional.

Rachel is incredible keeping us updated with my daughters progress, we get regular updates and even photos during the day of their super fun exploits - the adventures they have make me quite jealous to be at work!

My daughter is thriving under her care, and is very happy when she knows she is going to Rachel's house to play with her little friends. Having Rachel made my return to work much easier as I felt my daughter was in the best possible care situation. I thank my lucky stars for having found her and look forward to many more years of my daughter in her care.

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Setting
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 5 stars Food
  • 5 stars Communication