Avatar for Samantha

Cherry Willingham

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1 stars

Unethical, judgemental and harsh.


I had used Samantha before and had no problems but after using her this week I was left very upset and seriously disappointed. Samantha had both of my children over one INSET day and when I collected them I was told that my 4 year son got upset at the playground park, when I asked why I was told it was because he wanted to go in the baby swing and she refused to put him in there because "he is a big boy and goes to big school". I felt this was so harsh but left it. I was also told he then walked around the playground upset with no details on whether she consoled him or tried to engage with him to make him feel better. When I got into the car, my son started to cry and I thought about this that evening. My son was a late started with everything I explained to Samantha that the swings is all he enjoys at the park and doesn't feel safe on the big swing. I explained this when she said he was upset about not being allowed to go in the baby swing. When I go to the park with my son (who is very small for his age), he often goes into the baby swing, I allow it and couldn't understand why she wouldn't allow him. I called Samantha the next day and explained my children will not be with her again because of the swing issue and was told "I never allow children in the baby swing". I explained that depriving my child of fun at the playground was not only harsh, but that there is no age limit on the swings, and really what she is doing is projecting her values, opinions and ideologies on who "should be in a baby swing" on my son, by not allowing it when he is small enough to fit in it and it would do zero harm to have allowed it avoiding him from being so upset. I was then told it then wasn't because he is in big school (different to what was said the day before), but because of his height, when just the week before we were in the same park and he was in the baby swings as he is so petite. She stopped my son from having fun on a swing because she felt it was more important to project "who she thinks should be in a baby swing", which is basically having a 'one size fits all' approach when if anyone saw my son, they could easily see that if he asked to go in a baby swing, there is a reason which is because of his lack of confidence and feeling safer in it. Nevertheless, children should be allowed to play on whatever they want at the playground as long as they are not unsafe and I was appalled that when I asked for a refund because of the upset caused and needing to pay someone else, she refused and did not even knowledge any wrong doing. Samantha told me she was moving and didn't have much by way of toys because of boxes everywhere, but made out not having them was ruining me booking them in when I assume she wasn't working anyway as no other children were there and she was moving house. If Samantha is happy to project her views in this minor area to avoid upset with a child, where else is this happening? I also had a report from another parent today that she saw Samantha walking with my children and she rather than walking with them, she was walking apart from them whilst on her mobile phone. I am very upset and highly disappointed because I think Samantha told me about the swing issue thinking I would side with her but she made the wrong judgement on this leaving my boy very upset and in tears and she didn't even care, and she just let him roam around upset on his own. She couldn't see the situation from my point of view when I explained about his lack of confidence, the upset caused and the fact that I as his mother allow him in the baby swing. I wasn't even listened to and find this disgraceful.