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Joanna D

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5 stars

Life skills and structured learning from a former


My son goes to Jo once a week and gets so much out of his time with her. Jo was a primary school teacher until last year and her background in education is very evident in her approach. She doesn't just 'care' for the children, she teaches them important life skills as well as paying close attention to each child's own curriculum-based learning targets. Things I had been merrily doing for my son without thinking he can now do for himself thanks to Jo's emphasis on independence e.g. getting shoes on the right way around, washing his own face, finding cutlery from the drawer, etc. Disputes between children are settled by encouraging the children to negotiate and think about what they could have done differently. Each week has a theme e.g. Easter or pets, to structure the learning around. Jo uses a secure online profiling tool so you can see photos and track your child's progress. Jo's home is welcoming and well ordered with all ages of children taken into account from young babies to school children. Jo has a warm and caring personality yet is always professional.