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Chloe D

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5 stars



I found Chloe through recommendations in my local area. I was nervous as my daughter had only been to a nursery before and didnt know much about child minders. As soon as we met Chloe and chatted with her I was put at ease and you could tell she had a passion for child care and alot of experience. Chloe was great with my daughter florence and she didnt want to leave.
Florence has been with Chloe for 5months 3days a week and is very much part of chloe's family. She has come on and developed so much since being at chloe's setting and just loves going. Which as a parent that all you want. A home from home. You want them to be happy and learn in a loving, safe environment.
Florence is always trying new organic foods and exploring lots of diffrent outdoor adventures. I get lots of pictures and a daily report.
Through such I tough time in the world (corona outbreak) Chloe has given Florence normality and fun. I'm forever grateful.
I honestly couldn't recommend Chloe's House enough.

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Setting
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 5 stars Food
  • 5 stars Communication