Avatar for Skabasam


Live In Nanny Job In Dartford

Female Member since Jul 2018 Last Updated Dec 2023 Last Login Dec 2023

My Requirements

Live In Nanny
Live Out Nanny
Night Nanny

We are a Family of 6.
Four adults aged 18, 26, 28 and our mother plus 2 children aged 19months and 6 years.

We Live in a town called Erith, which is regarded as Greater London or Kent. We have great access by train in London city.

We are an easy going family and help out with everyday house work. The 6 year old child goes to school and the 19month old stays at home for most of the day.

The baby duties is the primary reason you’re here. So that includes bathing, feeding and making his food, playing, taking him to swimming, baby clubs and sometimes washing and ironing his clothes.

Now we would consider you part of the family and contribute to the housework just like everyone that lives at home does. But it’s not your job to do it alone and no one would ask or make you do it. But if u see something not clean then please clean it just like that and we all do house work.

We don’t have a dishwasher and do our own laundry. You are not our maid but are expected to help out as someone that will equally consume from the house.

All I want from you is to be able to help out. For example if your home and u find clothes have been washed and everyone is out if the house...put them on the line. Or if u see they have dried then bring them in.

My duty will be to make sure your happy and comfortable and provided for.

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