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2 stars

Bad experience -unreliable


Bad experience as I had explained that the baby eats only what I prepare for him and was given cookies (unsafe for allergies) without been asking for it. Also, every babysitter should know that you never leave a baby alone for whatever reason (if there is a need to leave the room you need to find somewhere safe to put the baby)

  • 2 stars Overall
  • 1 stars Setting
  • 3 stars Cleanliness
  • 2 stars Food
  • 2 stars Communication

Response from EmilyF

I directly asked you if it was OK to leave him for a minute when I went to the bathroom, you replied that yes it was, and then when you later said than no it wasn't, I never did it again. I was also not told that he was not allowed to eat one of the (very plain) biscuits that were left out in clear view on the countertop, and if there were allergies, I was not informed of them. I would also like to add that you continued to want me to babysit after both of these things happened.