Avatar for Fran Bow

Fran Bow

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5 stars

Highly Recommended


We first took our son to Fran a few months after withdrawing him from our previous childminder. With the previous childminder he'd got to the point he'd be really upset every time we dropped off, and unhappy throughout the day. With him being our only child, and him only really being around adults, we were keen he spend a day or two each week around kids his ages to help his social development and get him ready for school, but were doubting whether it would be possible. After talking to Fran it was clear she knew exactly how to handle this sort of situation. She gave him the care, support and understanding he needed to settle in happily, and gave us feedback to let us know how he was getting on. He's now at the point he's happy to be dropped off, and always playing happily when we go to pick him up, telling us about the fun thing he's done on the way home. She's continually demonstrated that high level of care and knowledge throughout the year and a half she's been looking after him.

In our last health visitor check our son's development was well above average for his age, and I think a big part of the credit for that has to go to Fran. She's helped him develop at his own pace, supporting and challenging him to take the next steps in his development by doing things like helping him with practical things like learning to put his shoes on, helping him develop socially with the other kids, doing things like arts and crafts, and regularly going on fun and educational trips to introduce him to different activities. She's prepared nutritional home cooked meals for him, he's got a healthy and really varied diet, and is always willing to try new things, again I think Fran has been a big part of that. With him being our first child she's also helped us, she's always been very approachable for help and advice, and been really understanding when drop off and pick up times haven't gone to plan.

We couldn't be more pleased with the care Fran has provided, and couldn't recommend her more to other parents.

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Setting
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 5 stars Food
  • 5 stars Communication