Julie's Reviews


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Average Rating: 5 stars (5 from 18 reviews)

Dear Julie ( and Phil) , I am not sure where to start. I thank God everyday for creating the opportunity to meet you. You have been a lifesaver in what could have been a very difficult situation. I will never forget the feeling I got when I walked into your house, it was calm, peaceful, loving, inviting, nurturing and homely. I remember your suggestion that I read some of your reviews and although I felt all I needed to feel to choose your home as my son's 2nd home, I thought it was only polite to say yes. I never finished the review as it would only confirm what I felt the minute I walked through your front door. You have both been amazing, considerate and accommodating to us and have made it possible to have a good family life while working full time. I have always been a firm believer in routines and discipline and was thrilled about your strict meal time rules and insistence on good behaviour at all times. It always amazes me how you can have a house full of children ( and adults) yet there is calm and quiet and everyone is happily (most of the time) doing what they are supposed to be doing!

You have made us feel part of your family and I am truly grateful and feel blessed to be one of your mums!

You are an amazing team and I would fully recommend you to any parent looking for a loving environment for their children in which to grow and develop.


  • 5 stars Overall

by Avatar for Parent Parent about Avatar for Julie Julie on 21/08/2011

Response by Avatar for Julie Julie on 22/08/2011:

Thankyou so much for taking the time to write a review.You are a lovely mum to work for, Phill and I are blesses to have such parents and children. Routines and discipline give children the boundies they need to blossom, happy children means happy carers, although it isn't always the easiest choice in the short term its alway the right choice in the long term. Your son is a credit to you, his manners are impeccable for one so young, thats down to your hard work, we just support you . Im not so sure our house is always calm... but there is order under that noise somewhere. We look forward in helping you with this next transitional stage in your young mans life, and continuing our great team work that helps not only your young man to thrive but all of us. Thanks Julie & Phill xxxx

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  • 5 stars Overall

by Avatar for Parent Parent about Avatar for Julie Julie on 28/11/2010

Response by Avatar for Julie Julie on 29/11/2010:

Thankyou Ellie, your review made me laugh not cry, I have never looked after a small person who has had tantrums like Lewis lol. I was in utter dispair and so close to giving in ..... but I didn't and now we have the most delightful bright funny little boy. People stop us in the street to comment on the little ones with old ladies cooing over them, he's such a good two year old yes a few strops latley but really nothing like the old days!! Ellie your a great mum to work for, open minded and willing to try new ideas , all of which benefits Lewis.You have never been jealous that Lewis loves us ,you only see it as an advantage which is a credit to you. We can't wait to see your new baby, yes a quieter one would be great but if its as yummy as Lewis you will be a very lucky lady. I'm glad to see you feel a proper mummy now you can do projectile vomit ,without being sick yourself because I still struggle lol.Its most certainly a Phill job! You are all most definitely part of our family , if we don't work all together and communicate ,well then things just go to pot .I look forward to us all growing old together and watching all the kids growing up.Ju Phill Alex and Tobyxxx

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  • 5 stars Overall

by Avatar for Parent Parent about Avatar for Julie Julie on 26/11/2010

Response by Avatar for Julie Julie on 27/11/2010:

Firstly it made me cry.... soft maybe but I'm so pleased our mums are happy, I have people ask me about my family time and doesn't having children encroach on this??? the answer is no ,because your all part of our family, I have learnt now that we are no ordinary family, tonight we have eight sleeping and were a family of four. We try as much as possible to accommodate our parents/child/childrens needs ,If we can help we will.What I've learnt from my parents who have had other childminders is that many are not providing the service that parents need. When I started thirteen years ago I worked eight to five maybe six, this is now very outdated , people work 24-7 I hate that expression but thats how it is and thats what we try to accommodate..
Also people are charging vast amounts of money which parents can ill afford. When I first worked for you many moons ago you only had one little girl, I know first time round you thought I was too strict!! but you came back not once but twice . Now your a mum of three and know you have to be strict or kids being kids will take the Michael!!! I've looked after all three, then two and now Rohan who has come on leaps and bounds being the only one, his manners are great, hes my little helper ,hes lovely to Lewis and gets toys for Kiki, and yes he hates cauliflower cheese but gives it a go bless him. Also when he sleeps over Alex and Roro get on like brothers.Your with me another year maybe more but i'm so aware of the miles you travel and how tiring it must be that we take it a week at a time. I'm sure there are things I could improve spelling being one of them lol, like paper work for Ofstead but were rubbish at that so with Jaimes help and Phill's in March we will work on that, not that I want to get you and Julie started on that!! as none of that interests you, just your children being loved and cared for as if they were our own . Ju Phill Alex and Toby xx

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  • 5 stars Overall

by Avatar for Parent Parent about Avatar for Julie Julie on 20/11/2010

Response by Avatar for Julie Julie on 21/11/2010:

Jasinta & Ines, We wouldn't dream of treating all the kids we take care of any different than our own boys. Your a really good girl Ines your a credit to your mum who works her socks off.Its lovely for us having a girl stay over at night while your mums at works, and thankyou Jasinta for allowing me to have my girlie fix and not minding when I buy things, being at home in the evening is different from the day time as when we "clock off " its then family time . I know you hate your veggies and I promise on Christmas day Ines you can eat "rubbish" to your hearts content.Phill say next time he makes you lunch Ines he will remember to put it in your lunch box and not take you to school with an empty one!!!! arn't we rubbish ,we all had a laugh over it though! The boys are very pleased to have a "younger sister"in their family as thats how they feel about you Ines and so do Phill and I , but Alex says as family you should clean out the litter trays!!!! Jasinta i'm glad we provide peace of mind for you, as I can imagine how hard it is leaving your pride and joy with someone you didn't know in the beginning .We are looking forward to our Sunday lunch... Ju Phill Alex &Toby xx

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  • 5 stars Overall

by Avatar for Parent Parent about Avatar for Julie Julie on 07/11/2010

Response by Avatar for Julie Julie on 17/11/2010:

Thankyou Katy were so glad your happy, we try to make working parents lives as easy as possible.Kiki is a sweetie and together we will deal with all that kiki throws at us, remember we can only help if you ask. From our point of view its so lovely to work for people who appreciate you so thankyou ,welcome to our family Ju Phill Alex & Tobyxxx

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  • 5 stars Overall

by Avatar for Parent Parent about Avatar for Julie Julie on 02/11/2010

Response by Avatar for Julie Julie on 17/11/2010:

Claire, I've lost count how many years weve worked together. There have been some difficult days with Matthew only a few I may add, but I've dealt with the day and when weve touched base at the end of a very long day for you , youv'e always trusted in me, I really respect you for that because I can imagine how hard that must be at times! You are all well and truly part of our family and I love you all .Matthew has blossomed and i'm sure he will continue to do so ,and I hope we have many more years together .With our new chapter in March with Phill helping full time

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  • 5 stars Overall

by Avatar for Parent Parent about Avatar for Julie Julie on 10/09/2010

Response by Avatar for Julie Julie on 17/11/2010:

Julie.... what can I say! Weve worked for you for years now 6 or 7 is it? We have been through many hard times I don't feel we have done anything special only what you should when your helping someone out,although some of the stories I've heard of other childminders from my mums makes me realize what some parents go through hell.I know you found me having Stewie to start with very hard but you never said ,only now that we know one another so well do we laugh about it.I'm so proud that youv'e finished uni, having to cope with a difficult family time and trying to study on top , I know sometimes it all got a bit much and i'm glad I was there for those late night chats to get you through!!! You are a great mum ,not only to Stewart but to work for, we make a real team, Stewie is the one to benefit from this of course he's a credit to you , outsiders will never understand Alex Toby and Stewies relationship with Matthew included in this Claire, they all love one another like brothers we all find this very natural as they spend so much time together at mine and school ,they are in their minds eye all one family ,I think this is very dear, I love all my kids and will do all I can to help them and their families,I'm so looking forward to Phill working with me full time ,Its going to benefit the children greatly. I'm sure I could muster up some paper work for you Julie??? lol ,I can't really put into words how I feel about you all only that I love each and every one of you. Juxx P.S Ofsted won't like the word love used as they never care about that on inspections only paper work!!!!! juxx

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