Avatar for Jackie F

Jackie F

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5 stars

Excellent Childminder


My daughter has been going to Jackie's since I went back to work in April 2018 every Monday - Friday for 8 hours. I was a bit apprehensive taking my then 12 month old daughter to a stranger for care but Jackie has been and still is amazing. She provides lots of activities and outings for the children throughout the year. She keeps me regularly updated throughout the day and I get a written summary of what my daughter did for the day, what she ate and when she slept. The children have lots of toys and space to play. She feeds them healthy food including fruit and yogurt at every meal. My daughter briefly developed a lactose issue and Jackie adjusted her lunch and snacks accordingly. The best thing about Jackie though is that she loves the children like her very own. I don't think of her as my daughter's child minder, I think of her as a co-parent. She teaches my child new things everyday, kisses her boo boos away, plays with her and cuddles her if she is poorly or emotional. This is what makes her the best childminder/co-parent ever!

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Setting
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 5 stars Food
  • 5 stars Communication

Response from Jackie F

Thank you E ! your kind words mean the world. Your daughter is a pleasure to care for x