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5 stars


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Response from els1958

Many thanks for writing this review. It has been great to meet you all including an unplanned meeting with Poppy the dog this morning. Ha Ha.

Louis enjoyed his time at the Toy Library as part of my settling in period for you all. I hope that you managed to spend that child free time not worrying too much and look forward to having Louis again next week for another hour. Although he did cry he did have his milk and two pieces of toast while out this morning. It is usual for the children to take a few visits too settle especially when they are so young. Please don't worry and I think the smile on his face when you arrived was comfort to you both.

Louis enjoyed playing with the coloured balls from the ball pool so I will make sure I get mine out next time to ease the visit for him.

Many thanks and see you next week. Once again thanks for the glowing review.

Kindest regards
