KelliB's Reviews


Below are the parent reviews for KelliB. Back to KelliB's profile

Average Rating: 5 stars (5 from 1 review)

My son, Edward, has been going to Kelli's for a year and a half, since he was 18 months old. He is really happy there, and Kelli provides a very happy, safe environment for him and the other children who she looks after. She has a really great collection of quality toys (which are kept very neat and tidy) and she also makes sure they get out and about to the park, to the local soft play for toddlers group, or other expeditions. Kelli makes it very easy for me too, and is supportive if I need to slightly adjust the hours. When I drop my son off in the morning, I just know that he will be safe and happy, and I can get on with my work without a worry. Kelli is very calm, and this impressed me right from the beginning. We have been through potty training, and that has gone without a hiccup, and Kelli just got on with it in her very calm way. Edward will be starting nursery in august, so will be stopping going to Kelli's which both he and I will be really sad about. I really recommend her.

  • 5 stars Overall

by Avatar for Parent Parent about Avatar for KelliB KelliB on 22/05/2013

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