rosienic's Reviews


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Average Rating: 5 stars (5 from 1 review)

Rosie has looked after both my son and daughter. Madeline who is 2 is currently with Rosie four days a week. She has been with Rosie since she was 5 months old which was when I returned to full time work. Rosie also looked after my son on and off from when he was 2 right up until he went to full time school 2 years ago.

I don’t mind admitting that I’m very protective of my children and I very rarely trust anyone with them but Rosie has been truly a gift. It is really like having another member of the family and I don’t doubt that the love and care she provides for Madeline is comparable to that which I give.

Rosie’s flexibility and understanding has been particularly useful in the last few months when I have experienced a massive change in my circumstances.

I’ve got better but I’m not above making daily phone calls to check on Madeline and Rosie never makes me feel like its unreasonably or disruptive.

Rosie takes Madeline to an assortment of classes and groups and I know Madeline has benefited greatly from this varied interaction. Rosie has taught Madeline her colours, numbers, songs and animals.

It takes a great weight off the working parents to know your child is being well taken care of and is safe. Rosie also doubles up as my babysitter and again my children love it when she babysits.

Madeline is always very happy to go to Rosie’s and frequently asks after her over the weekend.

  • 5 stars Overall

by Avatar for Parent Parent about Avatar for rosienic rosienic on 16/09/2014

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