KGarrad's Reviews


Below are the parent reviews for KGarrad. Back to KGarrad's profile

Average Rating: 5 stars (5 from 1 review)

Katherine was thrown in at the deep end, starting simultaneously with two families, each with two boys, when the mums were returning to work after maternity leave. Despite a complicated schedule between the families, Katherine hit the ground running, easing our boys (and mums!) into the new routine with confidence.

Since then she has looked after my two sons (now age 3 and 8) while I work part-time, fitting in with our lives perfectly; always flexible and completely reliable. Having Katherine has given me peace of mind that while I’m working my sons are being well looked after.

They are always on the go, whether it’s to clubs and groups or walking/scooting to the park, making crafts or baking, they have a lot of fun. Katherine’s communication is excellent and each day she completes a diary for me so I know what they’ve been up to, what they’ve eaten and how the boys have been.

She is very well organised; essentials always packed and snacks/lunches prepared, and is never late or rushed. Katherine is firm yet calm with discipline, explaining in ways the boys understand, and is great at dealing with my youngest son who is extremely headstrong! She encourages good manners and is fully aware of health and safely issues.

Katherine is lovely, warm and personable person and feels more like a family member than a nanny. She’s a great loss to our family and we’re very sad to see her go, but wish her the best of luck with a new family.

  • 5 stars Overall

by Avatar for Parent Parent about Avatar for KGarrad KGarrad on 12/10/2014

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