Safeguarding Update
The world of safeguarding is constantly evolving with new threats appearing regularly both online and in real life.
It is not enough any more for early years providers to attend a training session and say, 'I've done safeguarding' or 'That's child protection finished for 3 years'.
We all need to be aware of new dangers to children's safety and wellbeing and consider how we can best manage them in our day-to-day work.
This safeguarding update, which is linked to a new Information Guide for gold members, covers some of the recent threats to children's online safety such as SnapMaps along with good practice reminders to help support you in your work.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask on the Independent Childminders Facebook group or the Childminding Forum.
More information
Download the safeguarding update information guide
Download sample Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies & Procedures
Free online safeguarding training
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