St Francis CofE Primary School

Aiken Road, Taw Hill, Swindon, SN25 1UH

St Francis CofE Primary School is a voluntary aided school school in Swindon. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 466 pupils and allows entry for children aged 4-11.

About Us

Opened in September 2004, St Francis CofE Primary School is a two class entry primary school in the Taw Hill area of North Swindon.

We believe that all children are a gift from God. They are all special and should be allowed to develop and grow in a nurturing environment, secure in the knowledge that they are cherished.

Our aim is that all children will leave the school with special memories, having achieved personal success whilst becoming equipped to take their next steps in the journey of life.

Our Childcare Provision

Funrise provide a breakfast club from 7.30am until 8.55am and an after school club from 3.15pm until 6.00pm.

This is a very popular venture being provided in the Community Room, during term.

During school holidays, care can be provided between 8.00am and 6.00pm. Booking the holiday club early is recommended as this is very popular.

Please note: the care is only open to children who attend St Francis.


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