Babysitters in Bletchley

We have 22 babysitters in Bletchley listed in our online babysitting directory. You can narrow these results down to find the perfect babysitter for you using the options on the search bar above.

Please read our Safety Centre for advice on how to stay safe and always check childcare provider documents.

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Babysitter in Bletchley

Hi my name is Bruna and I am 34 years old. Mom of Valentim, 2 years old. I am looking for a job during the day, around 20 hours, happy to do more, If you need someone to care of…

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Babysitter in Far Bletchley

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hello! I'm Enny Stead, an experienced and caring babysitter with a passion for providing a safe and nurturing environment for children. With over years of experience, I am dedicat…

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