Ofsted Registered Childminders in Newcastle Upon Tyne

We have 52 Ofsted Registered Childminders in Newcastle Upon Tyne listed in our online childminding directory.

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Childminder in Newcastle Upon Tyne

I am an Ofsted registered childminder and am a 2 mother,who lives in the north east of England.I offer childminding services in the comfort and safe environment of my own home.…

Heather .
Heather .
no reviews
Childminder in Newcastle Upon Tyne

I live with My two children,george aged 15 and charlie aged 9 I provide a safe,caring,happy enviroment with a variety of indoor/outdoor activities.I attend local childminder and t…

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Childminder in Newcastle Upon Tyne

I am an Ofsted Registered Childminder working from my own home in Warkworth Woods, Great Park, Gosforth. I have a large living room/dining room and enclosed garden. Play days ar…

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Childminder in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Usually responds within 30 minutes

I am married and have 2 daughter's aged 15 and 7 I've been a fullly registered childminder for 10 years I live in a detached house in west meadows close to chapel house/Westerhope…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Nyasha M.
Nyasha M.
no reviews
Childminder in Newcastle Upon Tyne

An excellent childminder warm and caring, giving parents high degree of assurance and peace of minder.

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Childminder in Newcastle Upon Tyne

I am 59 years old and have 5 grown up children and 10 grand children, so as you can imagine I have a lot of experience with all ages of children.

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Childminder in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Usually responds within 4 hours

I live in chapel park with my husband and two sons .

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Childminder in Newcastle Upon Tyne

I believe in a childminding service that offer children a place to thrive. I provide a environment that allows children to learn and explore their creativity. I would be greatfull…

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Childminder in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I offer a fun, homely and stimulating environment where all children are encouraged to explore the world in an inclusive and nurturing environment. The kids are my colleagues and…

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