Childcare Jobs near B78 3SA

We have 174 Childcare Jobs listed within 5 miles of B78 3SA.

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<1 mile
Parent in Tamworth

Usually responds within 15 minutes

Hello. My name is Ravita, I have a beautiful daughter, Elizabeth, who is 3 years old. I'm looking for a local (Fazely, Mile Oak, Tamworth)childminder for Mondays and Fridays from…

1.1 miles
Parent in Tamworth

Usually responds within 15 minutes

Hi I’m Rebecca you can call me Becca I have a daughter who is 2 and a half who can’t talk yet and is waiting for an assessment form speech and language, she can walk but not able…

1.5 miles
Parent in Tamworth

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I run a baby dance class in the Tamworth area. I'm looking for a Registered Childminder.

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1.9 miles
Parent in Tamworth

I’m sharna in 27 years old, mom to 3 kids I am looking for a childminder for my 2 nearly 3 year old son

2.4 miles
Parent in Tamworth

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I am a single parent living alone with my daughter in Wilnecote. I moved here two years ago so I could be more supportive and now have her full time but consequently have no famil…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
2.6 miles
Parent in Tamworth

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I'm looking for a Registered Childminder.

2.6 miles
Parent in Tamworth

Usually responds within 15 minutes

Singel patent Take my child to school st Gabriel’s Catholic Primary School in safe manner

3.5 miles
Parent in Tamworth

Usually responds within 1 hour

Looking for a childminder to look after my 2 year old son, whilst I am at work.

4.7 miles
Parent in Sutton Coldfield

Usually responds within 5 minutes

4.7 miles
Parent in Sutton Coldfield

Usually responds within 2 hours

Hi , I’m Sasha I have a 1 year old daughter called hailo-blù who is 1 years old who is a bubbly little girl loves to dance. I would ideally like someone who has had several years…

4.8 miles
Parent in Sutton Coldfield

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Mommy to a very active, bubbly two year old and expecting baby number 2 in June. Night nanny with previous experience with newborns.

<1 mile
Parent in Tamworth

I am part time working mum with a 28 month old son. I require a childminder to help progress my son as he has some development issues with speaking and social skills. He currently…

Faith Yv
4.1 miles
Faith Yv
Parent in Tamworth

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I am a 22 year old mom and l live with my husband and my 12 months old baby, l just got a job and l picked night shifts so we need someone who will play with him till his dad com…

<1 mile
Parent in Tamworth

We have recently moved and are now living in the dosthill area off manta road, I live with my partner Sam and our son Freddie and cat Millie. I work as a family support worker and…

1.1 miles
Parent in Tamworth

Usually responds within 24 hours

1.1 miles
Parent in Kettlebrook

1.1 miles
Parent in Tamworth

I'm looking for a Registered Childminder or Nursery.

Hannah h
1.3 miles
Hannah H
Parent in Mile Oak

Usually responds within 12 hours

I am a single mother of 2 children, 18 months and 13, I work full time as a registered manager of a family residential and struggle with childcare for my daughter. I am searching…

1.3 miles
Parent in Tamworth

I am the father of a 5-year-old girl I am looking for a childminder who could collect my daughter from school every day. Both the mum and I work full-time and we are unable to col…

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