Childcare Jobs in Burnham-on-Crouch

We have 4 Childcare Jobs in Burnham-on-Crouch listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Burnham-On-Crouch

Usually responds within 5 minutes

My name is Colleen, I have a 6 year old daughter, who is bundles of fun. We are currently in the process of moving to Burnham-on-crouch so looking for childcare support as I work…

Burnham on Crouch
Parent in Burnham On Crouch

Usually responds within 24 hours

Looking for an experienced sitter for twins aged 12. To help out on occasional evenings and weekends. Ideally someone with experience of working with additional needs. With an a…

Parent in Burnham-On-Crouch

Usually responds within 2 hours

Hi, me and my partner have a 5 month old. we don't have any family or friends to take him to have a break and make time for us. it would be great if someone has there own home tha…

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Parent in Burnham-On-Crouch

Full time working single mum. 2 year old son goes to Widmer End Pre school and i'm looking for someone to take him and pick him up. Hours would be around 7am to 8.15am drop off an…

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