Childcare Jobs in Bury St Edmunds

We have 129 Childcare Jobs in Bury St Edmunds listed in our online childcare directory.

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Bury St. Edmunds
Parent in Bury St. Edmunds

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Lauren N
Bury St. Edmunds
Lauren N
Parent in Bury St. Edmunds

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hi my name is Lauren I’m 28years old and my husband is Jack 29years old. We are looking for an evening babysitter. We move to Bury 2 years ago and we don’t have any family this wa…

Bury St. Edmunds
Parent in Bury St. Edmunds

Usually responds within 5 minutes

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Bury St. Edmunds
Parent in Bury St. Edmunds

Usually responds within 15 minutes

Bury St. Edmunds
Parent in Bury St. Edmunds

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I am a single mother needing weekend care for my daughter while I work. I work 730 am to 730 pm. So I could need care roughly 13 hours each weekend day I will work. Require CPR ce…

Bury St. Edmunds
Parent in Bury St. Edmunds

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Family of 4 with 2 young girls aged 5 and 3. Occasional babysitting (would mainly be on wed/fri or sat evenings) and occasional full day childminding (mainly during school holiday…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Bury St. Edmunds
Parent in Bury St. Edmunds

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I am a 35 year old mum and trainee GP married to my husband Chris who is a British diplomat. I am from Bury and Chris is from London. I am originally from Bury, having grown up i…

Bury St. Edmunds
Parent in Bury St. Edmunds

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I’m a busy mum of two school aged children and an 8 months old pug puppy I’m looking for ad-hoc services for the occasional night out. Right now specifically for the 15th December…

Bury St. Edmunds
Parent in Bury St. Edmunds

Usually responds within 5 minutes

My partner and I live with our two sons in Hessett. My partner works away intermittently so is unable to commit to any regular childcare support in the week. Our sons are very hap…

Bury St. Edmunds
Parent in Bury St. Edmunds

Usually responds within 2 hours

I am a married mother of two children, one teenaged boy and one (very inquisitive!) 18-month old little girl. Looking for a babysitter on adhoc evenings/weekends, with plenty of n…

Bury St. Edmunds
Parent in Bury St. Edmunds

Usually responds within 30 minutes

Bury St. Edmunds
Parent in Bury St. Edmunds

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I’m Jasmine and my Husband’s name is Glen, we have a 2 year old son called Arnie, we live in red lodge and have a dog name Mylo. Childminder every Friday 8-6

Amy G
bury st edmunds
Amy G
Parent in Bury St Edmunds

Usually responds within 5 minutes

We have a 2.5 year old son who is very energetic and happy. He attends nursery full time but we are looking for an occasional babysitter for the weekends I'm looking for an Evenin…

Bury St. Edmunds
Parent in Bury St. Edmunds

Usually responds within 1 hour

We are a family of 4 mum,dad and 2 boys aged nearly 3 and 7. We are looking for help with our nearly 3 year old on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from possibly 08:30 till 16:00hrs…

Bury St. Edmunds
Parent in Bury St. Edmunds

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Bury St Edmunds
Parent in Bury St Edmunds

Usually responds within 5 minutes

We are two mummies with one daughter, Isabella (DOB 12.01.22). We are both nurses working at West Suffolk Hospital - we work opposite shifts full time so rarely see each other bu…

Bury St. Edmunds
Parent in Bury St. Edmunds

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Bury St. Edmunds
Parent in Bury St. Edmunds

Usually responds within 2 days

Located in West Row. My wife works in the medical field while I work from home as an engineer in wind power in which I sometimes travel for. We have a 12 week old son! Our house…

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