Nanny Jobs in CROYDON

We have 190 Nanny Jobs in CROYDON listed in our online childcare directory.

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London Borough of Croydon
Parent in London Borough Of Croydon

Parent in Croydon

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I’m originally from Mauritius and we have a new born baby boy who was born in May 2022. We have been living in South Croydon for the last 5 years. I’m mainly looking for a nursery…

David an.
London Borough of Croydon
David An.
Parent in London Borough Of Croydon

Usually responds within 2 days

We are a family of four. We are looking for a pick up service for our youngest child (10 years old). School pick up Monday-Friday every other week from Greenwich to South Croydon.

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London Borough of Croydon
Parent in London Borough Of Croydon

Usually responds within 3 hours

Parent in Croydon

Usually responds within 2 days

I need a childminder available for an early morning pick up, then for the children to be dropped to nursery by 8am (times can very but after 8:30am they do not provide breakfast)…

London Borough of Croydon
Parent in London Borough Of Croydon

Im a nursing student and I have a son who is 6 year old and I want someone who is available to come at my place at 7:00 am, help me with the school pick and drop off, help with h…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
South Croydon
Parent in South Croydon

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Parent in Croydon

Looking for a night nanny for shift work i do at the NHS

Parent in Croydon

Usually responds within 2 days

im just a single mother in help of a nanny who can prepare my daughter and take her to school wvery morning i work nights and usually get home by 9am, my mum looks after my daught…

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