Childcare Jobs in Camden

We have 164 Childcare Jobs in Camden listed in our online childcare directory.

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09 May, 09:15am - 11:15am
Babysitting - NW3 - £13/hr - Approx Pay £26
Aged 0
London Borough of Camden
Parent in London Borough Of Camden

Usually responds within 5 minutes

We are looking for a live out nanny to look after a 9 month old baby from July this year. We live in South Hampstead.

London Borough of Camden
Parent in London Borough Of Camden

We're Margaux and Augustin, parents of two kids (born 2020 and 2023). We've been living next to the Hampstead Heath for the past few years, and we love going to the park every now1

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London Borough of Camden
Parent in London Borough Of Camden

Usually responds within 2 hours

Brimming with love and laughter, we're an Indian-Australian family delightfully mixed like a masala chai latte. At the heart of our journey is our little star, a 15-month-old expl1

London Borough of Camden
Parent in London Borough Of Camden

Usually responds within 12 hours

My 5 year old has started reception and would like pick up from Fleet School and after school childminder. Pick up from reception at Fleet School

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
London Borough of Camden
Parent in London Borough Of Camden

I work from home. I have 2 sons age 12yr and 3yr old. Looking nanny for my 3yr old baby for morning 9 to 3pm during summer holidays Looking nanny who is honest, hardworking, kind1

London Borough of Camden
Parent in London Borough Of Camden

I'm looking for a part time carer (2-3 days most likely 8-4/4.30) for my 14 mo old. This may include taking to Emmanuel school/picking up from Emmanuel school my other 2 lovely b1

London Borough of Camden
Parent in London Borough Of Camden

Usually responds within 24 hours

Hi! We are a family of 3, with a baby girl of 14 month. We livein West Hampstead

London Borough of Camden
Parent in London Borough Of Camden

We have two sons, 2 and 4 years old - living in Camden We need an after school nanny who can do pick up to school and nursery 4-5 days a week at about 3/5pm depending on the days1

London Borough of Camden
Parent in London Borough Of Camden

We are parents to a 3 year old looking for after school nanny We are looking for an after school nanny or nanny share to begin September. We will need care from 4-6 Monday to Thu1

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