Childcare Jobs in Crouch End

We have 3 Childcare Jobs in Crouch End listed in our online childcare directory.

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Crouch End
Parent in Crouch End

Usually responds within 2 days

We are a lawyer and a comedy producer, living in central Crouch End. We have 10 and 7 year old daughters. We are looking for a caring, energetic nanny to collect the children fro…

Crouch End
Parent in Crouch End

Usually responds within 2 days

My wife and I have 6 year old twins, Benjamin and Joshua, and we are looking for someone kind and caring to look after them on Fridays from mid-late April '24. The boys are smart,…

Crouch End
Parent in Crouch End

We're looking for a cheerful and energetic after school nanny for our son Tara (age 5) and daughter Olive (age 7). They attend Coleridge primary school in Crouch End, we live 5 mi…

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