Childcare Jobs in Ebbw Vale

We have 10 Childcare Jobs in Ebbw Vale listed in our online childcare directory.

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Ebbw Vale
Parent in Ebbw Vale

I have recently quit my job because of having no proper childcare. I am looking for a new job at present and am browsing for possibilities for a child carer which may include a Sa…

Ebbw Vale
Parent in Ebbw Vale

Usually responds within 30 minutes

I am a mother of 11 year old twins and an 18 year old son, I do have 3 miniature pinschers and a puppy french bulldog but will crate them I am looking for someone to look after th…

Ebbw Vale
Parent in Ebbw Vale

I have two young boys aged 7 and 3. My 7 year old has ADHD and my 3 year old has varies of needs. Me and my husband are currently needing a childminder for our youngest son for me…

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Ebbw Vale
Parent in Ebbw Vale

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Ebbw vale
Parent in Ebbw Vale

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Ebbw Vale
Parent in Ebbw Vale

Usually responds within 15 minutes

Afterschool pick up needed for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Ebbw Vale
Parent in Ebbw Vale

Looking for recommendations for a childminder! I live in Ebbw Vale and will be returning to teaching in January 2024. I have a 4 year old who attends All saints Rc Primary schoo…

Ebbw Vale
Parent in Ebbw Vale

Iam a nurse , i have duties on weekends ... My husband also works weekends so require to baby sit my child She needs to be fed , She will ask for the toilet she needs to be taken…

Ebbw Vale
Parent in Ebbw Vale

Usually responds within 24 hours

My name is Hussain, I'm a medical doctor and live with my wife and step son in Ebbw Vale. I have 2 daughters who live with my ex wife in London whom I normally see in London ever…

Ebbw Vale
Parent in Ebbw Vale

We are a family of three...myself , my wife and our 3 year old daughter. Due to unsocial work timings , we need a part time childminder / baby sitter for our 3 year old. We need s…

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